Fae-touched races
Those touched by fae have been around on Lacrysia since the fae themselves were born. Always, humans find themselves being meddled with by the fairy folk, who seek nothing but to revel in the joy they get when they create mischief and sow the seeds of chaos. The fae themselves are a tricky bunch, requiring explanation all their own- they live on another plane of existence, and abide by different rules than the mortals they've toyed with. For now it would be best to describe the many kinds of fae-touched mortals you may find on the material plane.
Elves come in a few different varieties; high elves, wood elves, sun elves, and moon elves. There are also the drow, but having been seperated from the surface for so long, their origins are uniquely distinct from other varieties of elf. All elves have lifespans ranging from 500-800 years (give or take...), and long pointed ears. On average, elves tend to be taller than the average race.
High elves and wood elves are often considered two sides of the same coin. Each were born, in times long gone, from fae who had lived on the material plane for so long they lost their fae nature, and became more like the mortals around them. Technically, the two are indistinguishable from one another. Both High and Wood elves have a wide variety of skin, hair, and eye colors. High elves tend to be slightly taller on average, while wood elves can be a bit stockier. Their physical differences end there- most differences between the two come from the ways they have historically structured their societies. Many elves have discarded the differences between high and wood elves, but some remnants of the ancient cultures still exist, and as such members of those sects find the differing lablels important.
High elves are skilled with magic, having a deep connection with the energy ethyris that give both the Fae and the Divine their power. Historically, High elves used this ability to create large cities and civilizations, deep within the ancient forests that were their homes. Wood elves on the other hand tended to work more with the nature around them- they preferred not to uproot the trees
Sun and Moon elves were the blessed of the seasonal courts of fae. Sun elves share heritage with the Summer and Spring courts, while the moon elves share heritage with the Winter and Autumn courts. Sun and Moon fae are particularly rare, and any centralized culture they once had is long gone. Sun and Moon elves, as such, protect their culture fiercly and are distrustful of outsiders. Appearance-wise, Sun elves typically are found with warm, dark skintones ranging from bronze to deep brown. Their eye colors vary, but many have gold, amber, or green eyes. Moon elves also tend to be darker-skinned, though they tend to come in cooler skintones- sometimes even being blue or grey. Their eyes are most often shades of black, silver, blue, or grey. Sun elves are particularly connected with the Summer, and are stewards of the gods Helia and Callista. They tend to be quite devout. The same can be said for moon elves, but their patrons are Aphelia and Halesia, and they are connected with winter. Like their bretheren, they are skilled magicians- their power grows during these seasons and in proximity to Fae of the courts they are connected to.

