Many of the races that once walked the earth have been gone for centuries now, fallen by the hands of the five cataclysms that came before the Lacrysia we know today. However, there are still many varied species of mortals that can be found, alive and thriving, each unique in its own way. These species, while they once had cultures unique to their kind, have been scattered over the course of the many apocalypses. In order to survive, many cultures had to be shared and blend to create something new in and of itself. Most culture is tied to a person's homeland, even moreso than the species they were born into- though, some of these races have managed to keep their culture intact throughout the ages.
Of course, there are the Humans. These are the most numerous, hardy, and familiar. They require no introduction, as all have met a human in their travels. Humans are capable of practically anything, being versatile and skilled in many areas.
Those that are touched by the fae are common in Lacrysia as well. This includes Elves of all varieties, changelings, selkie, and more. Faefolk and those descended from them are often powerful magic users, though they can be just as multitalented as humans are.
Animalfolk are secondmost common in Lacrysia. As the name suggest, animalfolk are any mortals which have animal features, such as ramfolk, rabbitfolk, and more. Many live in the more rural parts of the world.
Dragonkin are exceptionally rare. They are children of humans and dragons, who bear the features of their draconic heritage in varying degrees. These are exceptionally common on the Western continent, as dragons have lived in the craggy peaks north of Mirradein for eons.
Bugfolk are similar to animalfolk, in that they boast the likeness of many different kinds of bugs, such as moths, centipedes, or ants. Even spiderfolk would be considered apart of the "bugfolk" umbrella. These mortals tend to spend their lives living underground, though many can be found across the world.
Divine are the rarest of these races. They include the likes of heavenborn (or aasimar), and on the opposite end of the spectrum, those with demonic heritage. The existence of these people is indisputable, but one's birth is anomalous.